If you are experiencing pain, burning, numbness, tingling, or pins and needles in your hands and feet, as a result of peripheral neuropathy, this is for you. With our neuropathy breakthrough, it is finally possible to relieve your neuropathy symptoms, and get you back to living your life. Neuropathy can […]
Yearly Archives: 2020
From a certain town in Florida two men went to battle the #1 stress for men over 50 years old… their health. Each of them had enjoyed the same levels of life’s success, and as far as anyone could judge, were considered successful and living the dream. One man enjoyed […]
A mind once stretched never retracts back to the same, but is this true with neck or back computerized traction? Yes, it is true once a person expands their mind they never are the same. Their perception of the world is changed forever. When it comes to the spine and […]
It is a lot more confusing than most people and apparently many doctors realize. I see the term tossed around loosely by professionals and patients alike, so I thought I would share some basic info on the topic. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body and […]
Why 80% New Years Resolution Fail- Doesn’t it seem strange that people have great intentions after the first of the year and usually within the first week or month those new resolutions are out the door. This isn’t because people don’t want to succeed, but there are some fundamental problems […]