Assault Rifles and Blow Dryers

My wife and I went to Dallas for a seminar over the weekend, and ended up with an assault rifle in both of our faces.

OK, I know I have some explaining to do, so here it is.

I attended an excellent seminar that will help us even more at saving more lives with our creative solutions for weight loss. I am used to training doctors around the country on helping people go from fat storing to fat burning, but yes I continue to learn how to help more people get their life back feeling and looking their best.
The crazy part was the night the seminar was over, we were peacefully sleeping in our hotel bed and at 11:30PM the obnoxious fire alarm went off. I know it is supposed to be obnoxious, but I have traveled enough to know that it is usually some board kids pulling the alarms to be funny to their friends. I got up checked where the fire exits might be down the hall each way and looked out the window to see if that was an option. Had a game plan, laid back down and figured I would give it 10 minutes to see if it would shut off (I know that this isn’t the smartest thing to do), but you know you’re tired and have an early flight out so that shut eye time is precious.
5 minutes go by and I here an authoritative voice yelling at others to get out of the hotel NOW. I figured it was time to wake up the wife and get our butts out of there. She wanted to grab as much as she could thinking if we couldn’t get back in the hotel, we would just go to the airport.
So we headed down the hall and turned around the corner and our hearts stopped. We had an assault rifle pointed right at us. We startled him and of course we were a little startled too. OK even know it doesn’t align with my macho thinking, we were VERY STARTLED. Luckily, he was not a “bad guy”, but a highly trained “SWAT guy” that recognized I was a highly trained Wellness Consultant and my wife with her Gucci bag was not a threat. He promptly yelled at us to get out of the hotel NOW and we did.
Initially standing outside in the 29 degree weather with my t-shirt on we realized the hotel lobby across the street would be a shelter for everyone. After watching the 100 or so police pile in for a few hours we started thinking that we weren’t going to get back in to get the rest of our goods. Thinking about all the important stuff we left behind, I think my wife was most concerned about her favorite BLOW DRYER that was left behind (I’m joking…in case she reads this).
What does all of this craziness have to do with PAIN & EXCESS WEIGHT you might be asking… Well I can tell you that our adrenal glands were working full speed ahead during this. The adrenal glands that sit on top of your kidneys respond to stress with survival hormones that result in initial survival for fight or flight, but have an negative effect on our longevity.
Cortisol shuts down our fat burning, we get an inflammatory response in our body and so much more when we are under stress. Stress can be daily emotional(worry), physical(back pain) or chemical stress(82,000 chemicals/year).
People end up with pain, inflammation, fat, sick and tired due to this low-level daily stress or high stress episodes like the assault rifle pointed at you.
I have developed a system to detect how well our patients’ bodies are dealing with stress. With some simple no cost testing we can see if this is part of your problem keeping from feeling your best. If you have negative effects of stress going on, we have some easy and proven strategies to help get you feeling and looking your best. I hope you enjoyed this crazy story.

Yours in health,
Dr. Michael E. Burr, DC
P.S. It was a hoax call with the threat of a double bomb and a hostage situation that caused our sleepless cold night of adrenal gland impact.
P.S.S. If you would like to learn more how we help people lose weight and decrease pain by relieving the effects of stress, call Sandy right now and schedule a no-charge stress test ($49.00 Value). Must schedule within 2 weeks.

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