Anti-Aging for My Spine and Joints?

Is it possible to slow down my aging of my back doc? That is the question or thought that is usually brought up when I talk to my patients about anti-aging for their spine and joints.

My answer is yes. We all now that there is the time clock that keeps ticking away adding birthdays to our body, but what most people don’t think about is our biological age. The biological age is what age our body is functioning as.
We all know people that appear and act a lot younger. Especially when you read about 93 year olds winning the sprints in the senior Olympics, it opens our eyes to what is possible.

The physical body does have limitations, but so many times it is under used and/or under appreciated. People tend to want to bring up good or bad genetics when they think of an older person that seems to be beating ‘old man time’. The truth is not so many years back when everyone got excited about getting their genes tested to see what they are blessed with or doomed for. As fast as we got excited about genetics, we then realized again that epigenetics is still more powerful. Epigenetics says that our lifestyle can supersede or at least positively affect our genetic predisposition. This means that the power is back in our hands, but of course that comes with responsibility and accountability.

The bottom line is epigenetics is for sure true when it comes to your joint and spine health. Eating a balanced nutritional full spectrum diet, proper ergonomics, proper exercise and of course getting a chiropractic check up weekly or monthly all would improve your odds of slowing down the premature aging of your physical body. The truth is that it is not much different than your car in that if your front end is out of alignment, things like your tires, ball joints etc wear our prematurely. If your joint is out of alignment, putting more stress on it, it only makes sense that it is going to wear our faster.

If you want to live in the best body possible for as long as possible, keeping you doing what you need and want to do lifestyle wise, you owe it to yourself to get it to the mechanic, your chiropractor and hopefully one at Spring Hill Chiropractic & Wellness.

See you soon!

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