Chiropractors have a public and health care (scientific) perception as the “go to” provider for low back pain and neck pain. This was confirmed in a large recent review of the chiropractic profession. It was published in the journal Spine in December 2017, and titled (1): The Prevalence, Patterns, and Predictorsof Chiropractic […]
Yearly Archives: 2024
Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are a common condition characterized by pain and discomfort while chewing, which is estimated to affect about 10% of adults to some degree. As with many musculoskeletal conditions that come on gradually and don’t require emergency care, treatment guidelines recommend conservative care as an initial treatment approach, […]
Evolving Models A large recent review of the chiropractic profession confirms that chiropractors specialize in the management of back and neck pain (1). The study, from the National Health Interview Survey, which is the principal and reliable source of comprehensive health care information in the United States, found that 63% […]
In addition to manual therapies and other treatments provided in a chiropractic office, patients with chronic low back pain are often advised to exercise—specifically the core muscles—as part of the recovery process. Is there a protocol that’s best for engaging the core muscles? In 2018, researchers recruited 34 chronic low […]
Each year, surgeons perform hundreds of thousands of total hip arthroplasties (hip replacements), and the most common reason is osteoarthritis of the hip. This condition isn’t caused by an underlying disease, rather it’s due to wear and tear of the hip joint from everyday activities over time. Not only can […]
According to a systematic review that included 201 studies, low back pain may affect between 10-67% of athletes at any given moment, with anywhere from 17-94% experiencing sports-related back pain each year. This broad range is due to the age, level of competition, and the specific sports included in each […]
The sacroiliac joints (SIJ) sit between the sacrum (tailbone) and ilium (pelvis), which serve to connect the spine and pelvis and facilitate load transfer from the low back to the lower extremities. Generally, when we consider the cause of a patient’s low back pain, the first place investigated is the […]
Physical activity, from housework and gardening to a structured exercise routine, is widely recognized as the most important behavior for both promoting longevity and lowering the risk for cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, several forms of cancer, and other chronic diseases. In fact, the World Health Organization lists low cardio-respiratory […]
The “gold standard” for health care research is the randomized controlled trial, or RCT. A lay explanation for a typical RCT study is: •••• In 1990, a study was published in the British Medical Journal, titled (1): Low Back Pain of Mechanical Origin:Randomized Comparison of Chiropracticand Hospital Outpatient Treatment This study was […]
While it may sound confusing, the most common type of neck pain is non-specific neck pain; that is, neck pain that occurs in the absence of an underlying disease or pathology, like an infection or osteoporotic fracture. Rather, non-specific neck pain is caused by postural or mechanical issues affecting the […]