Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment

Good For: Reducing Pain, Numbness, Tingling, Itching, Burning, and more!

So many people suffer with neuropathy symptoms on a daily basis – and there isn’t anything they can do…Until now. With our neuropathy breakthrough, it is finally possible to relieve your symptoms.

Non-Invasive Treatment

The symptoms of neuropathy can be horrible to live with, and until recently, there hasn’t been any good option for treatment that delivers results. With our non-invasive, non-drug therapy, we see patients’ symptoms drastically reduce, or go away completely. We offer a no charge consultation to start to see if you’re a candidate, and the testing starts at just $49.

Stop suffering all day and night with foot pain, burning, numbness, itching,  crawling sensations, pins & needles…You don’t have to live with the pain anymore. Call the office now and see if this treatment could help reduce your suffering.


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